Bijlmer Parktheater • Friends for Brands • Brand Activation
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Bijlmer Parktheater

Proudly presenting representation

The Bijlmerpark Theater in the South East of Amsterdam is not just trying to be inclusive, it has always has been inclusive. No stage is as diverse as BPT’s, a theater that really represents the new Netherlands. We were asked to create a new identity that captures and expresses their inclusive and adventurous spirit.

At the Bijlmerpark Theater they believe that adding perspectives can only enrich your vision on things. We developed a visual identity around three pillars that are important to the way the theater operates: be present, represent, we present. This new identity presents the theatre, gives stage to content and leaves plenty room for diversity.

As a basic shape we took the hexagon, a shape with multiple sides and various perspectives, loosely inspired by the old architectural plan of the Bijlmer. In each expression you will find variations of the basic form, making it versatile but still forming a unit. This makes the branding flexible to use and just as diverse as the Bijlmerpark Theater itself.