Maaskoepel • Friends for Brands • Brand Activation
Gewoon Wonen


Campaigning for affordable housing

The housing crisis in The Netherlands affects a growing share of the Dutch population and the housing corporations play a crucial role. Maaskoepel, the federation of 22 housing associations in the Rotterdam region, asked us to develop a campaign that presents them as a constructive discussion partner for the government regarding housing policy.

People simply just want to live somewhere. That’s not too much to ask. But it is getting more and more difficult. On the ( platform Dutch social housing associations show and tell governance partners how they can help to realize a big number of new social homes. Explaining that it is possible to solve this huge issue, if the right government decisions are made. To give this issue a human face, the platform shares the bleak stories of people who are desperately looking for a home.

The campaign was also visible offline by being present during important protests around housing. We handed out protest signs and buttons that received exposure on national and local TV. After this we invited politicians, administrators, homeless to a Gewoon Wonen meeting, where they discussed solutions for the region and physically came together for the first time.