Roncalli Mavo • Friends for Brands • Brand Activation
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Roncalli Mavo

Roncalli Mavo, go for it!

Secondary school Roncalli Mavo in Rotterdam approached us for a new identity that expresses their new profile. Roncalli Mavo teaches young people how to get all they want in life. For teenagers that want to go beyond what is easily achievable. Giving them the very best foundation to build their future; with ambition, self-confidence and, of course and above all, with lot’s of fun.

Roncalli Mavo has many interesting classes, including a fashionclass, sportsclass and an international class that has exchanges with foreign students. To capture the ambition we developed a new identity and a mini-campaign: Roncalli goes for it!

It’s an easy to use dynamic identity to expresses their ambition in a playful way. Colorful photography and illustrations depict the dreams and aspirations, talents and lessons of the students. With vivid brochures and matching bags for the open days and a brand new website, Roncalli Mavo has now a new inspiring new way to present themselves.