Kumasi Drinks • Friends for Brands • Brand Activation
Kumasi Drinks

Kumasi Drinks

Extra taste for us, extra income for farmers

While filming a documentary in Ghana, journalist Lars Gierbergen discovered how the cocoa chain leads to extreme underpayment of cocoa farmers in Ghana. On the plantation, he noticed something else: a huge amount of delicious juice that was wasted. Why not market this strange fruity juice to make the farmers earn more?


After returning home to the Netherlands, Lars and his team approached us for branding and communication about this unknown juice. They already called it Kumasi, named after the Ghanaian region where it comes from. Although they were still in the process of getting the juice on the Dutch market, they thought it was important to start telling the Kumasi story.

We decided that the core of all communication should be: That’s extra. Because the Kumasi is extra tasty for you and extra money for the cocoa farmer. With an “extra” colorful visual identity that matches the fruity taste and celebrates the African roots.