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Friends for Brands • Brand Activation

for Real


We are Friends for Brands. A creative agency that makes impact for real. Making big brands better and good brands bigger. By creating work that is truly relevant. To real people, communities and movements.

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What we're good at

Brand Development

How do you clearly define your mission and bring this out in an inspiring way? Let us help you build the best foundation to start sharing your brandstory and ambitions.

I want this!


There's no impact if you can't get the right group of people involved with your mission. We help you reach and activate communities by creating creative and effective campaigns!

let's go!


Like you, a modern brand doesn't only live in the physical world. That's why we don't just build websites, but rather develop online brand experiences that help you make impact.

yes please

Creative Content

Are you in need of gorgeous graphics, inspiring copy or mind blowing video's? Let us create the creative content you need to tell your story in an impactful way.

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Rent a space?

Are you looking for an inspiring space to organize your meeting, presentation or photo shoot?

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From Heilige Boontjes to Hedone with Marco

If you ever catch Marco on his days off and...


Guiding local talent with Winne and Coolhaven Collab

Coolhaven Collab is an ensemble of performance art institutions in...


Poking the establishment for a living

Lars Gierveld is a born troublemaker in the best sense...
